
Primarily, the cost of text documents translation depends on the target language and the volume of the document, namely, on the number of printed characters with spaces. Also, the cost may increase depending on the subject of translation, urgency of the order and complexity of layout. The price for translation editing by the certified specialist or the native speaker can be added to the order cost.

One translation page is equal to 1800 printed characters with spaces. The standard page A4 in the fourteenth font with a one-and-a-half interval contains approximately such number of characters.

So, the final calculation of the order cost is as follows: the number of characters is multiplied by the rate for the language from which or into which the document shall be translated, and then, if necessary, by the thematic coefficient, coefficient of urgency, layout complexity and editing.

You can always get a full calculation of the cost by sending us the request by email, skype, or chat on the site, adding the document for translation in electronic format, as well as provide the paper order form to the office, or order the courier to your address.

Coefficient of subject complexity

Coefficient of subject complexity is from 1.5 to 2.5, and it is used if the translator needs to use special knowledge, proficiency in profile terminology, as well as, if necessary, compilation of term glossary. In particular, these are financial and banking topics, jurisprudence, technical documentation, medicine, pharmaceuticals, construction and other areas.

Coefficient of urgency

It ranges from 1.5 to 2.5, and is added to the order cost, depending on the volume of translation required and according to the number of days that make up the total term of execution, according to the ordered terms of execution. It is imposed on the cost of the order, the volume of which exceeds 5 pages and requires immediate execution, in particular:

  • if the number of pages is from 5 to 8, the coefficient is 1.5
  • if the number of pages is from 8 to 10, the coefficient is 1.75
  • if the number of pages is more than 10, the coefficient is 2-2.5

Coefficient of layout complexity

It is formed depending on the presence of the following elements on the page (non-drift selections, tables, formulas, illustrations with caption, etc.).

Simple solid text with little presence of additional elements (tables, graphic elements) - the coefficient is 1.5
Text with tables, formulas, illustrations with caption, which is up to 40% of the page - the coefficient is 2.0
Text with tables, formulas, illustrations with caption, which makes up the most part of the page - the coefficient is 2.5


The amount of additional payment for additional editing / proofreading depends on complexity of the original text, as well as on the need to attract specialized editors to work on the text.

The cost of the editor's work, i.e. professional proofreading of the translated material, is 50% of the translation cost additionally. If editing by a native speaker is required, the additional cost is 50% or more, depending on the language and professional field.

Basic rates for one translation page (1800 characters with spaces) of written translation

Language Cost in UAH for 1800 characters
(nominal page)*
English 210
Azerbaijani 255
Albanian 480
Arabic 360
Armenian 330
Belarusian 260
Bulgarian 265
Hungarian 300
Vietnamese 510
Netherlandish 350
Greek 280
Georgian 370
Danish 505
Hebrew 405
Spanish 250
Italian 250
Kazakh 430
Kyrgyz 470
Chinese 450
Korean 465
Latvian 450
Lithuanian 320
Macedonian 525
German 210
Norwegian 400
Persian 425
Polish 230
Portuguese 275
Romanian/Moldovan 270
Russian 170
Serbian 300
Slovak 310
Slovenian 310
Tajik 430
Turkish 275
Turkmen 380
Uzbek 380
Urdu 850
Finnish 420
French 210
Croatian 275
Czech 270
Swedish 400
Estonian 455
Japanese 460
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