
How to Deal with Professional Burnout as a Translator

Professional burnout is a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged stress at work. Translators, like many other professionals, are susceptible to this syndrome. Constant...

Translation requirements for international transactions

International transactions are an important part of the global economy, allowing companies and individuals to interact and enter into agreements regardless of national borders. One of the key aspects...

Features of translation of websites and Internet resources

Translation of websites and Internet resources is a complex and multifaceted process that requires not only language knowledge, but also an understanding of technical, cultural and marketing aspects. ...

Pitfalls of religious texts translation

Translation of religious texts is one of the most difficult and responsible tasks in the field of translation. This process requires not only deep linguistic knowledge, but also an understanding o...

Secrets of translation of literary works

The translation of literary works requires the translator to be deeply immersed in the cultural and historical context of the original. Knowledge of the era in which the work was created, its cultural...

What is the term base and why is it important?

In the world of professional translations, the term base plays a key role in ensuring the accuracy, consistency and effectiveness of translation work. This tool not only helps translators to use spec...

What programs help translators in their work 2024?

Translation activity requires not only deep knowledge of the language and culture, but also the ability to effectively use available technologies. Modern programs for translators can significantly sim...

Differences between translation and localization

In the era of globalization, translation and localization issues are becoming increasingly relevant for companies seeking to enter the international market. Although at first glance these concepts may...

Professional language audit: who needs it?

In today's world, where borders between countries are blurred by technology and globalization, language proficiency is becoming not just an advantage, but a necessity. Professional language audit is a...

What is ISO 17100 and why is it important for agency?

In a world where borders are becoming more transparent and communication between cultures is increasing, the quality of translation services plays a crucial role. In this context, ISO 17100 standard a...
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