Where can I make a high-quality translation of documents?
If you need a high-quality translation, then ordering services from Jur Klee will be a win-win option. Company will cope with the task at a high level, will not set exorbitant prices and will do the work in the shortest possible time. However, since different situations happen, it would be nice to evaluate other options. Only here it must be borne in mind that the choice will largely depend on the specifics of the task:
- Which document exactly should be translated;
- Purpose of the translation;
- Which language you will have to work with.
When can you prefer machine translation
Performing a task in this way involves the use of tools such as electronic dictionaries, automatic translators, etc. Choosing this path allows you to perform a relatively accurate translation even without in-depth knowledge of the language of interest. In addition, there is every reason to expect the following benefits:
- Choose from a variety of services of the appropriate profile, among which there will definitely be a suitable one for a particular user.
- A high-speed mode that allows you to count on making a transfer in a matter of seconds.
The maximum that you will have to pay for, and even then not always, is additional packages and applications. Most of the programs and services are free.
However, the preference for this option forces you to be prepared for some disadvantages:
- Damage to quality due to the lack of a clear transmission of meaning.
- Doing the work on your own, where the correctness of the finished translation depends on certain knowledge of the language and terminology.
Which services should you focus on
Such online services are considered the most popular:
- ABBYY Lingvo, which is a dictionary with a translation function that works online for a certain fee.
- Yandex The translator, where everything is free and there are options both online and offline.
- Google The translator is designed for the same conditions as the previous version.
- Microsoft Translator is a free service for online and offline translations.
Do without copy paste and download the entire document at once
The services presented above are not suitable for such a task. The whole point here is their ability to work only with text. Moreover, if you do not want to enter and copy paste manually, then use new-level programs and services that can cope with complex design and large volumes. With their choice, it is worth hoping not only to perform the translation, but also to preserve the original formatting.
- An example of a free service that has available doc.docx .ppt .pptx .xls .xlsx .odt .ods .odp .pdf .srt .txt formats is onlinedoctranslator.
- Known for its wide functionality, Deftpdf does not work free and is only available with pdf files.
- Paid Multilizer PDF Translator does not have an online version, but it can handle pdf.docx. pptx .txt. formats.
Considering all the disadvantages and advantages of machine translation, it is impossible not to agree that the preference for this option justifies itself exclusively in such situations:
- A small volume of the interested document, eliminating problems with copying the text and moving it to an online translator;
- The need to understand only the general meaning;
- The need for a quick translation from several languages at the same time or from a language from the rare category.
Looking for a private specialist
Instead of machine translation, someone may prefer the services of a private translator or the help of acquaintances known for their knowledge of the language. However, an appeal to a so-called specialist who does not have the appropriate professional training is likely to disappoint the customer. The reason for this is the superficiality and lack of guarantees of quality and accuracy of the work.
However, if you choose freelance translators, then know that everything here will depend on the play of chance. It is quite possible that you will be lucky to establish cooperation with a team of specialists who can be trusted with at least a simple document without special translation requirements. Proving the opposite will be possible only by checking the case.
Of the advantages that you can count on with this option, it is worth naming the following:
- The price is cheaper than in a translation agency with quality guarantees (due to direct contracts and no office rental costs);
- Specialization in a limited list of documents, which serves as the basis of a well-trodden path and a certain quality.
The disadvantages here should be considered such moments:
- Specialization is only in 2-3 topics and related areas, which limits the possibilities of working with documents of different directions;
- A limited number of specialized languages - the lack of the possibility of translation into several languages or the involvement of several freelancers at once;
- The absence of a backup in the form of a contract between the parties, providing guarantees of the work in full;
- Limited execution time due to the productivity of one person.
The expediency of such a choice is determined solely by such features of the task:
- Translation of documents without too strict requirements;
- No need for additional notary services and the strict layout;
- The customer is not a legal entity and does not pursue the purpose of preparing closing documents;
- The need for translation into only 1-2 languages and the lack of urgency requirements.
However, if you think this option is suitable, then to search for freelancers you will need such internet sources:
- Exchanges - proz.com, fl.ru, tranzilla.ru;
- Thematic forums - trworkshop.net, socialtranslation.ru;
- Facebook groups where vacancies for translators can be posted.
What preferences will cooperation with a translation agency provide?
If you consider questionable services from the Internet to be an unacceptable option, then it is best to contact a translation agency. In this scenario, the customer is only required to send the contractor the interested document, make a payment and receive a ready translation with a guarantee of quality and compliance with the agreed deadlines. In addition, there is every reason to count on a whole list of advantages:
- Translation and additional services in the form of notarization, layout, etc.;
- A large set of languages is a circumstance that facilitates the selection of a suitable language pair;
- Involvement of native speakers in the work and guarantees the creation of an authentic text;
- Specialization in various subjects + testing by specialized specialists;
- Reduction of translation time by combining specialists into a team with the provision of editor services and compliance with the unity of terminology;
- Openness to monitor the progress of the translation and responsibility for the result;
- Maximum attention to the client's wishes and quick response to criticism.
The only quality that someone can perceive as a disadvantage is prices. But you must agree that 20-30% of the funds for the salary of employees is the least that an impeccable quality of work with guaranteed translation accuracy, professional design and additional services can cost.
However, if you do not want to make a mistake with the choice of a company, then be extremely attentive to such moments:
- The reputation of the bureau, confirmed by letters of recommendation and testimonials from various clients;
- A wide range of languages for translation and additional services;
- Attractive and truthful value for money factor;
- Readiness to demonstrate the skills of specialists by means of a test task (for a minimum price or a fragment of text for free).
Moreover, there is no reason to doubt that there is no choice more reliable than a translation agency with solid experience and a proven reputation, but be sure to pay attention to such arguments:
- Quality assurance regardless of the complexity of the document and its thematic focus.
- A full range of services, which includes not only translation, but also notarization, layout in accordance with the requirements, etc.
- Selection of a suitable specialist, including a narrow profile, a native speaker, etc.
- Convenience of making translations into several languages.