How translate the phrase "Candidate of Sciences" into English?

Diplomas of Candidates of Sciences very often require translation into English. Moreover, their text can be considered a template, its translation causes a number of difficulties. Moreover, both translators and clients have doubts. Therefore, there are options with writing Candidate of Sciences and Ph. D. In which cases is one spelling acceptable, and in which cases another?

Different education systems cause confusion. On the territory of Ukraine, Russia and other post-Soviet states, education systems adopted at different times operate simultaneously:

  • according to the Soviet system, the degree was awarded in the following order: first, the degree of a Specialist was awarded, then - the degree of a Candidate of Sciences, after that - a Doctor of Sciences;
  • in the Bologna system, there is a different gradation of degrees: Bachelor, Master, Philosopher, Doctor.

These are different systems with different scientific and academic degrees. Confusion and lack of information leads to constant mistakes that are made not only by the uninitiated, but also by translators or representatives of the scientific community.

However, Ukraine is not the only state that uses an internal educational system. Each of these countries provides for the presence of special departments that nostrify the relevant documents for foreign citizens or their own citizens who have received an education or a scientific degree abroad. At the same time, the assessments of education and degrees are brought into line with internal standards. However, to verify with the data in the global database of qualifications available to the departments, they do not need an adapted translation, but a word-for-word translation.

The use of the Ph. D. or Candidate depends on the field in which the phrase is used

If the translation is necessary for personal use, then there is no difference in how the degree will be translated. You can choose the option you like yourself. If the translation is performed for a publication, an educational institution or for another field, it is necessary to comply with the requirements put forward by the receiving party.

Literal translation for educational institutions - CANDIDATE

International organizations and services have strictly stipulated requirements for accepted translations. This attitude has an impact on what decision the translator should make. An example of the requirements that the translation of some of the organizations must meet:

  • USA, ECE (Educational Credential Evaluators) - the translation can be prepared independently, but it must be literal, word for word and complete, and fully correspond to the form in which the source is compiled;
  • Canada and the USA, WES, (World Education Services) - the applicant is required to provide literal and accurate copies of translations of documents, the original of which is not in English.

Both organizations have approximately the same requirements for translations. They stipulate that it must be literal, complete and word for word. In this case, the nostrification service that translates the expression "Candidate of Sciences” cannot use Ph. D., this will lead to confusion and may cause problems.

Therefore, a specialist who is engaged in the translation of certificates, identification documents and diplomas of education and degree assignment for the "Candidate of Sciences" must apply the Candidate of Sciences.

  • CANDIDATE is also used for scientific or near-scientific texts. It is preferable for them to preserve the features of the system used when assigning the title. Therefore, the best option would be to use the Candidate translation - this will also prevent unnecessary associations and confusion. In this and other cases, it is quite acceptable to shorten the phrase to Cand. Sc.
  • Ph.D. translation is quite acceptable in journalistic texts. The same applies to literary and other texts in which the mention of an academic degree is just a detail and not the basis.

In addition, for English-speaking readers, the use of Ph. D. will not cause unnecessary associations with other concepts. The phrase used in English conveys the same meaning that "Candidate of Sciences" carries in Ukrainian or Russian. If the word candidate is used, it will most likely be read by a native-speaking reader as a "candidate" who has not yet received a degree, and sciences - as natural sciences, regardless of the actual meaning (although it may also be "philosophical" or "historical" sciences).

The next question is the specifics of the specialization translation

In the USA and European countries, specialization is designated as follows: Candidate of Economic Sciences corresponds to Ph. D. in Economics.

Such a grammatical construction can be used when translating a specialization from Russian or Ukrainian - it is not too cumbersome and looks less blurry in comparison with Economic Sciences. This translation option is quite suitable for use in journalistic texts, scientific articles or brochures.

If the abbreviated version of Cand. Sc. is used, it is enough to add the name of the specialization. It can be either in brackets or without them, but it is more often chosen with brackets.

The translation of official documents and diplomas is carried out according to the same rules - the requirements of the departments performing nostrification are taken into account.

Examples of the translation of the degree "Candidate of Sciences" together with the specialization.

For simplicity, we publish specific examples:

The original writing of the scientific degree in Russian Translation in English for certificates, identification documents, diplomas and other educational documents Translation for conferences, scientific journals, thematic articles Non-thematic articles, journalism, belles-lettres

Кандидат биологических наук

Candidate of Biological Sciences

Candidate of Sciences in Biology or Cand. Sc. (Biology)

Ph.D. in Biology

Кандидат географических наук

Candidate of Geographical Sciences

Candidate of Sciences in Geography or Cand. Sc. (Geography)

Ph.D. in Geography

Кандидат исторических наук

Candidate of Historical Sciences

Candidate of Sciences in History, Cand. Sc. (History)

Ph.D. in History

Кандидат математических наук

Candidate of Mathematical Sciences

Candidate of Sciences in Mathematics, Cand. Sc. (Mathematics)

Ph.D. in Mathematics

Кандидат медицинских наук

Candidate of Medical Sciences

Candidate of Sciences in Medicine, Cand. Sc. (Medicine)

Ph.D. in Medicine

Кандидат педагогических наук

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Candidate of Sciences in Pedagoy, Cand. Sc. (Pedagogy)

Ph.D. in Pedagogy

Кандидат политических наук

Candidate of Political Sciences

Candidate of Sciences in Politics, Cand. Sc. (Politics)

Ph.D. in Politics

Кандидат сельскохозяйственных наук

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences

Candidate of Sciences in Agriculture, Cand. Sc. (Agriculture)

Ph.D. in Agriculture

Кандидат социологических наук

Candidate of Sociological Sciences

Candidate of Sciences in Sociology, Cand. Sc. (Sociology)

Ph.D. in Sociology

Кандидат технических наук

Candidate of Technical Sciences

Candidate of Sciences in Technology, Cand. Sc. (Technology)

Ph.D. in Technology

Кандидат филологических наук

Candidate of Philological Sciences

Candidate of Sciences in Philology, Cand. Sc. (Philology)

Ph.D. in Philology

Кандидат философских наук

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences

Candidate of Sciences in Philosophy, Cand. Sc. (Philosophy)

Ph.D. in Philosophy

Кандидат химических наук

Candidate of Chemical Sciences

Candidate of Sciences in Chemistry, Cand. Sc. (Technology)

Ph.D. in Chemistry

In addition, there is also a special translation for the external doctoral candidate of the Degree of Candidate of Sciences (in the same order as for "Candidates of Sciences”: Candidate of Sciences degree seeking applicant - Candidate of Sciences degree seeking applicant, Cand. Sc. degree seeking applicant - Doctoral student.

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