What features should be taken into account during translation of a legal document?
Ukraine is currently undergoing a complex process of integration into the world community. In this regard, there is an active formation and expansion of political and economic ties, as well as global international cooperation in the field of culture and business partnership. All this stimulates an increase in the volume of document flow in foreign languages. There is a growing need for competent drafting and translation of contracts and other documents into both foreign and Ukrainian languages.
Professional translation of legal documentation has its own peculiarities. This is due to the need to comply with the requirements and preserve the specific structure of texts that may have significant differences in various countries. Working with documents requires knowledge and experience that helps prevent inaccuracies and significant errors.
The translation language must preserve the text composition. At the same time, language stamps, which may differ in shape and structure, must be translated clearly, correctly displaying the semantic load.
Documents written in English are distinguished by high standardization and the presence of a large number of rhetorical stamps. When translating into Ukrainian, their unmistakable literal interpretation is often required, excluding changes in content and semantic load.
Requirements for the translation of legal texts:
- Accurate and understandable presentation of the translated material, excluding distortion and the possibility of ambiguous interpretation of the text by the reader.
- A natural form of expression. The translation is performed in accordance with the norms of vocabulary and grammar of the source language with full preservation of the semantic load of the text.
- Adequate use of terminology, adaptive use of shortennings and abbreviations used in the text of the original legal document.
- Full compliance with the original. The translation must include all inscriptions, seals, stamps, notes. Their locations are saved without making changes and adjustments.
- Compliance with the requirements for the placement of the original and the translation, which must be on the same page of the document. At the same time, the beginning of paragraphs, the location of seals and signatures must match line by line with their mandatory translation.
When translating and compiling documents, it is important to follow the rules and regulations to avoid serious translation errors. They relate to the accuracy of the structure of the text and the location of the structural elements of the documents, both in English and in the Ukrainian language of presentation. Also, the translation of names, titles and dates requires special attention.