Translation services cost from different market performers
The cost of translation services varies not only depending on the performer. The price of one company for the translation of the same language combination may be different.
There is a conditional division into cheap and expensive text translation. Each of the subspecies significantly affects the quality of translation. Therefore, as in all areas related to the provision of professional services, there are always explanations for why one service (or product) costs less, and the second one is different in quality and costs more. If the translation agency offers too attractive and even an undervalued price, then you should think about the quality of such performance. There are several reasons why the price may be low. Often the main reason for this is a translation in a bureau that hires less experienced employees who still have small rates for the translation service. If an independent translator offers his services at low prices, then this also indicates a little experience of a specialist who definitely cannot compare with the experience of his colleagues who provide the same services at higher rates.
Based on this information, it becomes clear that in any case it is better to pay for the quality than to overpay for the retranslation and at the same time lose precious time. Suppliers that provide services of a more expensive, but at the same time high-quality translation include not only the bid in their price. In some cases, you have to pay extra for:
- Highly specialized or specialized translation;
- Complex professional layout of the final text (for example, if the original text was presented in an uneditable format: PDF, JPG, PNG and other similar formats);
- Proofreading, editing from a native speaker or a specialized specialist;
- Accelerated deadlines for the completion of work (deadlines that exceed those established by the standard).
Choosing the right performer: whether it is an independent translator, agency or other organizations, you need to immediately find out what is included in the total cost of the work performed. The Customer can get acquainted with all the conditions and estimates at the legal level even before the conclusion of the contract. After all, everyone has the right to know what they are paying for.