The specifics of the process of translating books into English
In all areas of life, the level of competition is growing every day, and the literary area is no exception. Each author wants to become famous among the world literary community. And for this we should not limit yourself in publishing the manuscript on our native language, we need a high-quality translation of the book into English. This component is very important in this case, because a poorly executed translation will be incomprehensible to a wide range of readers and will not be able to convey to people the main idea of the author.
Why do we need to translate the book into English?
This is a great chance for any author to declare himself around the world, to attract sponsors for further cooperation or like-minded people to conduct joint research work. If foreign colleagues are interested in the publication, it will be a significant plus and will increase the author's rating.
Also, the translation of the book will be beneficial from a material point of view. Publications abroad will expand the market for interested readers who will purchase the literary publication, which will increase the author's fee.
How to translate a book into English and why is it important to contact professionals?
If the author wishes to publish his literary work abroad, close attention should be paid to the qualitative characteristics of the translated text. If the text is not translated correctly, readers will not appreciate the merits of the work, no matter how outstanding it may be.
Many foreign publishers offer their services by translating books into English. But, the cost of services in this case is prohibitively high. Translation in our own words will take quite a long time and requires a high level of foreign language proficiency, with knowledge of scientific and artistic subtleties, for the most accurate transfer of semantic content. It should be taken into account that international publishers have a high level of requirements for published works, so we will need to contact specialists for text editing and professional proofreading.
The best option is to contact a specialized company, where in the shortest possible time we will receive a competent translation of the book into English with a quality guarantee. This company is distinguished by:
- the presence in their team of specialists responsible for various areas of activity – translators, editors, linguists, native speakers;
- books are translated by highly specialized specialists working in the artistic or scientific-research literary area;
- extensive practical experience in writing, translating, and preparing books and articles for publication, with a full understanding of the process;
- the presence of an official website where customers can get acquainted with the company's activities in detail.
If the company's staff unites employees from various areas of activity who are fluent in foreign languages – this will be an optimal advantage when choosing a performer who can translate a book into English, while respecting the terminology, preserving the meaning of the work and the original style of the text.
If the customer wants to independently decide on the choice of the performer, he is offered samples of previously completed works from various translators of the company. Then, the applicants selected by him, pass the test work, and one performer is selected. Also, the customer can entrust the choice of a translator to the company's specialists, having enlisted the support of an independent native speaker who has a sufficient qualification level to evaluate the completed test work.
How much does it cost to translate a book into English?
The situation in the translation services market determines the presence of the following factors affecting the cost of work:
- qualification level and experience of the translator;
- the diligence and accuracy of the linguist in the process of translation and adaptation of the original text, which is important to preserve the author's original style, the absence of awkward mistakes and semantic distortion;
- the level of workload of specialists;
- the translator's level of language proficiency – the specialist is a true native speaker of the target language or he just lived in an English-speaking country for several years;
- the urgency of the work;
- the volume of the book, its stylistic features and the level of terminological complexity. To carry out a high-quality translation of a book on scientific and technical topics, it is necessary to have specialized knowledge, analytical thinking, and a confident knowledge of the terminological apparatus. One of the most difficult tasks for a translator is the literary translation of a book, where it is necessary to preserve and accurately convey the author's intention and style with the correct translation of metaphors and wordplay.
When calculating the budget and determining the cost of translating a book into English, it is necessary to include an important point in it – the services of a professional English-speaking editor, who will subtract the work received and make it easier for readers to perceive.