Translation of books into Russian and their nuances in translation
Writing a book covers a wide range of resources — physical, temporal, internal and mental. The purpose of creating an artistic, journalistic, scientific work is to give a large audience of readers benefit or pleasure, and sometimes both, share your experience, convey an important idea, and eventually to receive a reward for their work. Translation of a book into Russian is a complex process, in which the performer is obliged to delve into the essence of the text, understand and convey its style exactly, not to distort the meaning, terminology, in general, help the author "speak" in another language as easily as in his native one.
Specifics of the book translation process
How to translate a book into Russian? Some believe that translation of a literary text is no different from translation of any ordinary article. But this is a big mistake. From a technical point of view, the specifics are the same, but if you look deeper into the essence of this task, you can see that in order to solve it successfully, you need to do a lot of mental and internal work.
The translator takes on more responsibility when starting to translate the original. In order for the work to go smoothly, he develops a system and follows a certain technology. Professional translation of books into Russian implies the preservation of artistic images, techniques, content design, stylistics, subtle transfer of humour, rural or urban dialect, atmosphere, etc.
After all, in most cases, the service is requested by people, who later want to give their opus to print. Therefore, a translator must have extensive language experience, be not only literate, but also have a broad outlook, possess rich knowledge to perform the work efficiently, at the highest level.
Translation of a book does not always imply translation of fiction. These can be texts of scientific and journalistic style:
- handbook;
- textbook;
- coursework;
- biography;
- scientific research, etc.
Herewith, translation of a fiction book is required quite often. A performer will need to convey:
- In fiction — its main concept, idea, mood. A specialist, who has the highest skill, will even convey the manner of narration and the author's style.
- In technical works — the essence of research, scientific developments. A translator must be fluent in the professional language.
- In the special literature — the accuracy of the described factors. After all, this is about business, medicine and other important areas of activities. Otherwise, reading an incorrectly translated text can only harm a reader.
How to order a translation of a book into Russian
Everyone has the opportunity to order the service and translate any book into Russian. In order to do this, it is enough to contact the agency, provide the original of your text and clarify the nuances of the service. Whatever the book is written about, the material presented in it should be clear for perception. An author himself decides what style of writing to choose, how to communicate with a reader, whether it is difficult or simple to write. But a poor-quality translation can distort the essence of the book, affect the perception, and ultimately affect the future fate of the opus. Therefore, translation of books into any language, including Russian, should be made by a native speaker of a particular country. This is the only way to achieve full contact with readers.
For each individual task, translation agency selects performers, who are fluent in the required language, have earned a good reputation and have knowledge and experience in the field that directly relates to the essence of the book.
How much does it cost to translate a book into Russian?
Before ordering the service, you can find out in advance how much it will cost to translate a book into Russian. There is no single price, as each individual opus will be evaluated individually. The cost is affected by the number of characters — the larger the book in volume, the more expensive the service will be. Language also plays an important role — if you need to translate a text into a rare or complex language, such as Macedonian or Persian, the price of the work done will be estimated much higher than if it were English, Italian or German.
It should also be borne in mind that the final text will be checked by an editor so that the work is perfect, without stylistic and semantic errors. This is also included in the price. In order to find out the total amount, you need to multiply the number of characters by the fixed rate for the language, by the coefficients of layout complexity, the urgency of order fulfillment and subject matter. It should be remembered that the most important thing in translation is quality, so you should never save on it.