Translation of scientific articles and their specific features
Scientific translation is a type of professional translation. Unlike literary translation, scientific translation does not contain emotional expressions, literary techniques, such as metaphor, expressive comparisons, etc. In other words, all translations of scientific texts are performed exclusively in a scientific style.
Types of scientific translations
Professional translators deal with many types of scientific translations in their work. Most often in our scientific Translation Agency we work with the following types of scientific texts:
- Scientific article. This is a scientific work, the essence of which is to consider the solution of a particular problem. Since scientific articles are published in magazines, newspapers, and Internet publications, the demand for translation of such texts is quite high. Therefore, our specialists translate scientific articles in the best possible way and in the shortest possible time.
- Research result. This text contains the results of various studies. These documents often contain formulas, calculations, and drawings.
- Scientific dissertation. The translation of a dissertation usually is required in cases where foreign researchers are involved in the labor protection process.
- Textbook. Although textbooks provide information in a simplified way for better understanding, only a competent translator of scientific texts can complete this task without losing pedagogical value.
All of the above-listed types of scientific works, as well as many others, are translated by our Agency at the highest level of quality. In our Agency, we perform dozens of scientific translations every year.
Specifics of scientific translations
The main purpose of scientific translation is to convey the exact content of the document. In this type of translation, every phrase matters. If a literary translation can be filled with various comparisons, metaphors, and metonymies, translations of various scientific articles are quite "dry" and technical.
Translation of terms is particularly difficult. It is very important to choose an equivalent term in the target language. Inexperienced translators, as well as freelance translators, often do not have enough knowledge about the specifics of translating terms. In order to be a translator of even a simple scientific text, one need to have a lot of specialized knowledge, have the highest level of foreign language proficiency, and know the principles and stages of translation. Therefore, we do not recommend that you entrust such a responsible task to amateurs.
How our Agency performs scientific translation
Translating a scientific text is a common task for our employees. This is due to a well-thought-out methodology and a responsible attitude at every stage. That is why we ensure the quality of our work.
After receiving the source text, our translators conduct a detailed analysis of it. The next step is to create a glossary. When compiling a glossary, a scientific translator studies popular scientific articles so that all the terms are relevant. When the dictionary is completed, we send it to the customer. After its approval we translate this scientific text.
Translators take into account the stylistic features of the source language, grammatical rules and regulations, design style, and many other nuances. During the entire process, the customer and the client communicate. At any stage, the customer can control the performance of the translation. The translator can also clarify details and resolve disputes. Thanks to this process organization, we can guarantee accurate compliance with the client's requirements.
In order to prevent distortion of the information component, we seek advice from scientists. This is the only way we can guarantee the quality of our work.
Our team consists not only of experienced translators, but also professional editors. All of them are fluent in foreign languages and have specialized linguistic education. Therefore, an integral part of working on the translation of any text, not only scientific, in our Agency is the translation editing. The editor's review and subsequent adjustments make the translation process longer. This is why we set deadlines for completing the task in advance.
If the client wishes, a native speaker can proofread the translated text. Then the resulting translation will be fully adapted for presentation abroad at a scientific conference or publication in a foreign magazine.
Translating complex scientific texts is a daily task for our team. Nevertheless, we treat each project with great care and responsibility. You can learn about price-list for translation of scientific articles from our managers.