Why it is better to translate articles in the Translation Agency?
Among those who have nothing to do with the work of a translator, there is an opinion that the Translation Agency only serves as an intermediary between the customer and the translator. From the outside, it may seem that it is easier and cheaper to give the work to a freelance translator, but those who have already used this option. next time will return to cooperation with the agency. Why do clients prefer to order a translation of an article in the agency and not directly from the translator?
Agency gives a quality guarantee for the translation of articles
A translator is not just a person who knows a foreign language well. And not even a native speaker. They surely can help their child to do their homework or retell what is written in an article or document in Russian (not always), but they can't complete tasks that professionals can handle.
A real professional doesn't work with everything. If a person says that they can translate an article without looking at its source and subject, they show their unprofessionalism. In the course of training, a certain direction is chosen - the type of translation that the specialist will work with.
In addition to interpretation and translation, there is another classification that separates texts into:
- medical;
- literary;
- technical;
- accounting;
- financial, etc.
And this is the most simplified gradation. It is due to the fact that "scientific texts" are divided into those related to chemistry, physics, cybernetics, and so on. The same applies to any other categories. A person who translates prose perfectly is unlikely to be able to translate a poem on the same level so that it can be read as a work of fiction.
Imagine that you were given articles about the latest advances in quantum physics, the treatment of chronic pulpitis, or the latest methods of mining copper pyrite, and then asked to retell, and not in general, but using special terminology. Translator's task is even more difficult – he should "retell" all of this from one language to another.
Now try again to imagine a freelance translator, for whom there is no difference in topics. He can easily translate any terms and complex phrases that most native speakers don't understand. He connects conclusions and analysis related to issues that he does not understand, and does everything that a true professional who specializes in specific topics can do.
In addition to the fact that the translator should understand what he is translating, he should constantly improve his skills, know about new products and navigate in the reference literature.
“A good Translation Agency is not just a company that takes on the translation of foreign articles and then passes the text to the first available employee. The company's catalog includes specialists who understand the terminology of the subject under consideration and understand the essence of the issue.”
The volume of the translated article is also important, as well as other issues that are known to professionals.
However, the specialization of translators and the opportunity to use the services of highly specialized people is not the only advantage of applying to the Agency.
How the Translation Agency works
- There are many different specialists working in the office and remotely, most of whom do not intersect with clients and vice versa. The client calls the organization where communicates with the assistant. The Assistant's task is to find out the overall task and transfer the call to the Manager.
- The Manager finds out the specific tasks: what is being translated, from which language to which, the required time frame, format, number of pages, and special requests. The cost and time of work are calculated. In cases where a translation from a rare language or a highly specialized topic is required, the manager finds out whether the necessary translators are free. The Manager's task is to create the optimal work option that satisfies the client.
- After that, the Assistant prepares the project for launch (adds glossaries, uploads files, loads the translation history, and so on). This is also done to ensure that next time the order is placed as quickly as possible.
- The project is entered into the system by the Manager and sent to the Translation Department. He will keep in touch with the client and clarify the details. The Department forms a project team consisting of translators, editors, and other specialists. The details are discussed with the translators.
- Translators do the work, and editors proofread the text, find errors, and check for semantic consistency. The editor should also understand the scope of knowledge related to the topic. In some cases, experts must also be involved in the project. Besides, stylistic editors also work on the texts of articles.
- In addition to the work directly related to translation, other activities are also performed. For example, in a quarter of cases, it is necessary to involve a layout designer, a specialist who is engaged in uploading files, etc.
- All this time, the Manager monitors the progress of work, compliance with deadlines, and whether there are any quality problems. If any difficulties arise, measures are taken to eliminate them. Before submitting the finished text, he reviews the translation and passes it to the Assistant. Finally, the finished translation of the article is given to the client, and the project work is completed.
How much does the translation of articles cost?
Cooperating with the Agency guarantees high-quality execution of the order, but this also affects the cost of translating the article. However, the company cooperates with the high-class specialists and their work can not be cheap. They themselves prefer to receive orders through the Agency. Otherwise, they are forced not only do the work that is not related to their profession, but also engage in advertising and search for clients who not only need translation, but also what belongs to its specialization.
As a result, it is the Translation Agency that becomes the place that unites the interests of both the client and the translator, and also takes care of all the work related to translation. And everyone who uses such services constantly knows that it is better to translate articles in a Translation Agency.