Translation of legal documents and texts
Today our translation agency in Kyiv works like a single living organism – it creates timely, fast and qualitative translations. The fame and image of Jur Klee have gone far beyond Ukraine, we accept orders from individuals and legal companies around the world.
What legal documents do we translate
Clients trust various translations of corporate documents for various types of work with a focus on legal concerns:
- Contracts
- Agreements
- Licenses
- Powers of attorney
- Permissions and many other things
The format of works may also include – pharmaceutics, industry, segments of FMCG, finance, legal support.
The site contains the types of services provided, where you can get acquainted in more detail with the format of work of our translation agency.
What is the complexity of the translation
Common types of work: processing of newspaper, magazine, text materials on legal issues. The purpose of the translation is to convey to the client the idea that is stated in the original source. Specialists are fluent in dialects. They are well versed in the "cliché" of linguistic expressions, they understand when it is worth unloading the translation text from buzzwords.
The task of legal translation specialists is to convey the objectivity and reliability of the information to the client of the text. The sphere is the law, the most complicated translation procedure. In their work, linguists of the company, linguists of law are based on reliable scientific terms.
How do legal translation specialists work
For the share of orders within Ukraine and outside the country, the company receives applications for translations from different languages. These are packages of orders of legal documents, which demand competent translation of the text, and its registration from the position of the Legislation. Professional legal translators are experts in their field and use all their many years of experience so that the meaning of the document is not lost. For the materials are used abroad and have an important legal value for the client.
The company accepts orders of any complexity, legal translations – in English, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Chinese, Arabic:
- Constituent (statutory) documents.
- Normative legal acts (Laws, Decrees, Orders of authorities, Governments of different countries).
- Contracts of: cooperation / sale and purchase / rent / leasing, corporate norms, agreements.
- Court decisions, materials of examinations, opinions, arbitration, civil, criminal cases, including appeals to the ECHR, the Hague instances, the International Court of Justice.
- Wills, certificates of inheritance.
- The company carries out copies of notaries, notarial certifications on order.
How is the price of the provided legal translation formed
Translation is influenced by the volume of the document - the number of printed characters with spaces. The price is influenced by the topic of translation, the urgency of the ordered material, the complexity of layout of the finished document.
The cost of editing the translated text is added to the price of the application for translation, especially for work as a certified specialist, native speaker of the spoken language, dialect. The company accepts one translated page as the standard. These are 1800 printed characters with spaces - an analogue of a standard A4 page, fourteenth font, one and a half spacing.
The final price tag is equal to the number of characters, then the result is multiplied by the tariff for the specific language from which the document is translated. The rise in price comes from a specific subject of the legal direction: it is necessary to take into account the coefficients – urgency, layout complexity, exclusive editing.
What will you get as a result of ordering a legal translation:
- Maintaining competent accuracy, reliability of a clear translation, transfer of the meaning of the text, legal terminology.
- Obtaining the stability of the verbal constructions of each foreign language. Full interpretation when translating turns of speech, compliance with the norms of law, jurisprudence.
- Special legal norms, forms of speech transmission, special legal traditions, and interpretations for a specific country are used.
- Strict compliance with the forms of international law of the issued text, the finished document.