Performing a translation and its stages
Translation is a complex and creative process of processing textual information of foreign origin into an understandable language, usually carried out by translators. This process can be divided into several stages, the main of which are:
I. Preparation of a draft translation. The text contains basic information of a source text and may have minor inconsistencies in terminology and style.
II. Preparation of a working version of translation. A literate, stylistically correct translation, that possibly have minor inconsistencies in terminology, which most accurately reveals the meaning of the source-text.
III. Edited translation. Characterized with the most accurate usage of terminology.
Client requirement to translation organizations
Translation agency or any other organization, that offers clients the translation services from a foreign language or source language to another language should have a special certificate that confirms their right to perform translations. The existence of such document confirms the compliance of the organization with special requirements and standards.
While placing the order, the client must decide on the time period of its performance and what type of translation does he require – draft, working or edited version. The development of technical progress allows to use computer programs, when translating, which:
Hasten the process of translation;
Allows you to optimize your text using the web-sites of synonyms and etc.
However, this may affect the accuracy of translation and its stylistic part in some cases.
What exactly affects the translation
Translator should take into account:
- group difficulty of the order;
- Shape of the source-text (either handwritten or printed);
- Is the source text written in the original language, from which the translation is performed?
- original size of translation;
- secondary circumstances of translation.
The client, when demanding the translation, must realize that translator uses Standard specifications, according to which there is a correspondent efficiency and tables of the translation speed. Given this, one can get an idea of the impact of proofreading with foreign partners.