Humorous approach to English idioms

Learning English often involves learning mysterious idioms. An English teacher from Brazil, Róisín Hahessy, decided to simplify this process for her students by creating colorful illustrations. Thanks to this, memorizing and understanding these unusual and funny phrasal expressions has become much easier.

Blue in the face

This expression is used in relation to a person whose patience and strength are exhausted. Ukrainian translation examples: "до посиніння", "до втрати свідомості", "до хрипоти".

Bob's your uncle

It means: "and there it is", "and there you have it", or "it's done".

As cool as cucumber

So they say about the calm and relaxed person. In Ukrainian, we can say that this person is "холодний як лід", "спокійний як удав".

Dead as a doornail

It means "not alive, truly unequivocally deceased", with no signs of life.

Head in the clouds

It is used in relation to an impractical, dreamy person "floating in the clouds".

Heart in you mouth

An expression that means severe fright. The Ukrainian equivalent is "душа в п'яти пішла".

Hold your horses

It means not to rush, not to fuss, to stop and consider their decision.

Kick the bucket

This expression means "to die", "to stop living", "to pass away".

A piece of cake

The expression is used when referring to a case that is very easy to do. Translation examples: "легка справа", "як двічі два", "простіше пареної ріпи".

A storm in a teacup

It means a lot of unnecessary anger and worry about a matter that is not important. In Ukrainian, there is a similar expression – "буря в склянці води".

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