Translation of sites

Translation of websites has become a popular trend in the last few years, as it allows you to significantly expand the audience of visitors and potential customers in case you create versions of your sites in several of the most common languages in the region where your company, an online store, etc. operates. In our agency you can translate the site into Russian, English, German and many other languages.

We translate the following components of the sites:

  • the main content of the site (information, news pages);
  • elements of navigation (sections, menus and other), design, banners;
  • ad units.

In our office sites translation services can include several stages:

  • the formation and systematization of the entire volume of information that need to be translated (individual pages or translation of the site "on a turn-key basis");
  • analysis for repetition by special programs for the stability of the translation of identical text elements;
  • translation of the site content by our specialists, which are selected according to the specificity of the site theme;
  • proofreading and editing by native speakers to maximally adapt and "naturalize" the text to the audience;
  • in the case of an order - the page-proofs of translated html-pages.

We can translate websites of any subject, please read about our writing translation.

About translation of sites in numbers
translated sites
successful projects
professional translators
thematic areas

The popularity and availability of the Internet allows you to promote your business (goods, services) in different countries with just one web resource and the correct work on increasing its popularity. Translation of the site into English, Russian or another language will increase the audience and the number of potential partners / customers at times. However, in order to take all the advantages of such site localization (translation into a language common in a certain region), it is necessary to select the future target audience, the content for translation, and much more.

What does it take to make a website translation qualitatively, useful and relevant?

You can simply translate the site into Russian and all the other "popular" languages ​​in the world, but such expenses are likely to be unjustified. To really get a positive result, you need to think carefully about the purpose for which this work is being done.

  • If the task of the translated version of the site is to attract new customers, then it is worth choosing the language that is the most common among the population of the country in which you are planning to develop your sales. Taken into account that in some countries people equally know several languages, so only one of them should be chosen.
  • If the purpose of localization of the site is to popularize information, promote certain business projects (the so-called "B2B" sphere), then in 70-80% of the cases the translation of the site into English will be a win-win option, after all it is the language of the business world.
  • Separately it is worth mentioning the peculiarities of the site translation into Chinese and Arabic:
  • Despite the fact that the Chinese population is plentiful, the site should be localized into Chinese only if there is a real opportunity to work in the Chinese market, otherwise it will not bring the expected results.
  • As for the Arabic language, an Arabic-language audience increases by 5% every year, which has led to a special interest in translating the site into that language. However, it creates more problematic moments, and in the main measure it is caused by another order of reading the text (from right to left). In this case, it is necessary not only to translate the text, but also often to radically change the arrangement of the elements on the pages.

Correct translation of websites adapts text on web pages to the specific features of each language, and, accordingly, to the cultural and social traditions of different language groups. Translation of the site into Russian, as well as any other languages requires special attention to such details as:

  • numeric values, including writing a date and time;
  • designation and writing of amounts in monetary units;
  • signs, symbols, images, which may have ambiguous interpretation;
  • observance of the legal norms of other countries.

The cost of sites translation services is calculated in each case individually, because much depends on the volume of the text, rarity of the language, the complexity of the structure of web pages and the site as a whole.

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