Technical translation
Translation of technical documentation, is undoubtedly one of the most popular areas of our agency work. For more than 5 years we have been translating various instructions, technical provisions, process descriptions, mechanisms of work and much more.
What makes this direction so demanded?
Development of new technologies, the opportunity to learn from experience, the desire to improve and to keep pace with technological progress - we believe that these are the main engines of growth in demand for the translation of technical text.
You can order translation:
- guidelines, patents, tender documentation;
- layouts, drawings, technical reports;
- manuals, instructions, etc.
The main features that can characterize the technical translation of the text:
- often large amounts of information;
- severity and "dryness" of the presentations style;
- specialized vocabulary;
- mandatory consistency and unambiguousness of terms.
Of course, such features require the translator maximum concentration, knowledge not only in the field of his profession, but also understanding the basic scientific terms and phenomena that are used or described in the technical documentation. When carrying out medical translation and any other, requirements for the interpreter's knowledge of terminology is stay the same.

The variety of areas in which the world industry is developing makes technical translation services
necessary for both smartphone manufacturers and mining industry. Products adaptation
to a certain market, joint work on projects with foreign engineers and
scientists, use of foreign equipment - all this may require translation
technical texts from English or from another language, which depends on the origin
country of partners or producers.
We are one of the most popular technical translation bureau in Kyiv with many years of experience. Professional team of specialists in translation and edition fields, and a large database of freelance translators allows us to carry out technical translation from English, French, Chinese, Japanese and dozens of languages, as well as in the opposite direction, qualitatively and without delay. Recently, German technical translation is also very popular.
To expand the list of documents for which we carry out professional technical translation, we
can use the following items:
- technical standards, both on state level, and stipulated by agreements
of the parties or instructions of enterprises;
- translation of the technical text of accompanying documentation in
case of purchase or lease of foreign equipment;
- expert opinions (composition and suitability of raw materials, testing
of equipment and products);
- documents related to the safety of the use of mechanisms, safety
- catalogs of equipment, advertising and news blocks in the technical field.
Scientific and technical translation occupies a separate niche in this direction. This includes articles,
publications, scientific and research works, performances and presentations of
new developments. Such translation of the technical text may have more terms,
descriptions of the process of obtaining certain results. To some extent, to a
scientific text, can be attributed the translation of technical literature (depending
on the purpose of writing such literature - training manual, compilation,
dictionary, etc.).
We carry out technical translation of documents and scientific texts only after preliminary approval of the glossary with the customer. In this glossary we set out the translation of the main terms. The presence of such a vocabulary is mandatory in case of urgent order, since then a team of specialists is working on the translation, who should maintain the consistency of the terminology.