Legal translation
Often legal documents require not only competent drafting in terms of legislation, but also professional legal translation to be used abroad.
We take orders for legal translation:
- constituent (statutory) documents;
- regulatory legal acts (laws, resolutions, orders);
- contracts of sale / lease / leasing, cooperation agreements;
- judicial decisions and materials (including for filing lawsuits to the European Court of Human Rights);
- testaments, certificates of inheritance and much more.
In addition, if you need a notarized certification of such a translation - you can also rely on us!
We have competent and experienced specialists who perform translation of legal documents and notarized translations, based not only on profound knowledge of languages, but also taking into account a lot of nuances that contains in legal documentation.
Translation of legal documents with various contents and meanings differs from other areas of translation:
- the need to adhere to the accuracy, reliability and clarity of terminology;
- the presence of stable verbal constructions in each language to denote certain law phenomena;
- features of legal schools and legal traditions in each country;
- strictly defined form of the documents.
The National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as the National Bureau) considered the letter from LLC «JUR KLEE» dated April 2, 2018.
We inform you that according to the results of the public procurement procedure in 2017, the subject of DK 021:2015 - 79530000-8 (translation services), the National Bureau and LLC «JUR KLEE» signed a contract dated ______________, in which services for the translation of criminal law texts were provided on time, qualitatively and in compliance with the requirements stipulated by the contract.
The signing of contracts with foreign counterparts, the entry of business into the international or European market, operations with property abroad - all this and much more leads to the need to compile legal documents in several languages.
Nowadays translation of legal documentation, is one of the leading directions in the activity of our translation bureau. For the convenience of clients, we also have established relationships with various government agencies and reliable notaries in order to quickly perform additional services as needed.
We carry out the translation of constituent documents, as well as various packages of documents for reorganization, liquidation and other transactions with legal entities. In addition, we are treated as an agency, which provides legal translation services and clients turn to us with orders for translation acts of an individual character (all kinds of certificates, powers of attorney, passports,certificates), laws, bilateral and multilateral agreements, etc.
Legal translation has a lot of nuances, among which we can distinguish the following:
- The complex nature of the documents.Often legal documents (especially normative acts and agreements) are a specific form of expression of existing norms or agreements that can relate to absolutely different spheres (industry, medicine, education). In this case, alegal translation into English or any other language has a complex nature and require from translator not only to pay attention to legal elements, but also knowledge in the field to which the document relates.
- Unified layout of documents.Most of the legal documentation is drawn up in accordance with the requirements established in the legislation or by local regulatory enactments. The interpreter must also adhere to these norms and do not change the submission form when he translates legal documents.
Legal translations have many other features that translators rarely pay attention to. If you want all of them to be taken into account, the order came with out delay, and also do not worry about the issue of the subsequent notarization - you can rely on us! We are always ready to provide high quality services and even more, because we understand that legal translation (Kyiv) and all subsequent stages play an important role in the implementation of personal and business plans.