The importance of accurate translation of medical documents

Even for experienced translators, accurate translation of medical documents is not an easy task, requiring a serious and professional approach. This activity is considered by many specialists as a variation of scientific and technical work with texts.

Why is translation accuracy important?

The translation of medical texts directly relates to the health and life of people. The translator must have a comprehensive knowledge of this field and be able to accurately navigate the terminology, so that the medical translation of documents is performed correctly and without semantic distortion. The resulting text should have a clear structure, be understandable to any medical professional, for the correct diagnosis or selection of the optimal dosage of the drug.

Medical topics are characterized by an abundance of specialized terminology, abbreviations and shortenings. The documentation often contains illegible handwriting, and the vocabulary is updated annually with new lexical units. A large number of new lexical units appear to indicate new methods of diagnosis and treatment of patients, and the lexicon of highly specialized areas of medicine is also actively expanding. All of the above difficulties in the work require special care of the translator, the ability to accurately and correctly translate evasive medical expressions, without losing the logic of the presentation and the meaning invested. After all, inaccuracies in translated texts can lead to an incorrect diagnosis, improper treatment and a threat to the patient's life. Therefore, highly specialized translators with the appropriate specialization and medical knowledge are engaged in translations of medical texts.

What documents are accepted for translation?

There are several areas of translation of medical documents:

  • translation of the medical report – sick leave, medical insurance policy, epicrisis, examination result, an extract from the medical history;
  • translation of documents attached to medical equipment – operating instructions, descriptions and manuals, assembly instructions;
  • translation of drug annotations – information for patients and doctors;
  • translation of scientific and medical literature – publications and articles, textbooks, reference books or dissertations;
  • translation of pharmaceutical documentation – descriptions and instructions for the use of medicines, pharmacological dossier, leaflet for the drug.

What determines the cost of medical translation of documentation in Jur Klee?

The qualification of a translator is the most important factor for performing work in Jur Klee Company, because the translation of medical documentation does not tolerate errors. The best specialist who is close to the subject of the profile of medical education begins to perform the work, which ensures the high quality of the resulting text.

The cost of work is not a fixed amount. The total amount, as for any type of transfer, depends on the following factors:

  • number of characters;
  • language factor – from which and into which language the text needs to be translated;
  • document complexity level– the subject of the document, the availability of terminology, the need for editorial services and consultations with doctors, the format of the original document – electronic, printed or handwritten version.

Not unimportant factor is the urgency of the work. Urgent translation of medical documents is carried out in the shortest possible time, if necessary, a special working group consisting of two or more best specialists is created. They first agree on medical terminology and abbreviations, and after the translation is completed, the resulting text is checked by the editor.

Editorial proofreading allows to bring the translation of medical documents to full compliance with the original, including medical terminology and abbreviations.

If necessary, Jur Klee Company can take over the services for the legalization of medical documentation in the Ministries of Ukraine, which ensures the validity of the document outside the country.

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