
What you need to know about translation names into English?

Questions about the translation of the name arise not only for those who have minimal knowledge of the English language. Such a problem often makes to think even an experienced translator. In addition...

How to translate text from a picture?

If you have to clarify the meaning of some words from English, this is not at all a reason to consider your knowledge of the language as a not quite good. The main thing is that you can cope with the ...

How does the translation of films?

Localization of the film is not a simple literal translation or dubbing, but the adaptation of the picture to the conditions of a particular country. This is a more serious work than localization of v...

How to Russify English fonts

Under the circumstances, when you have at least some skills working with text editors, difficulties in finding suitable fonts for the Cyrillic alphabet will not become something unexpected and new. Th...

How translate the phrase "Candidate of Sciences"?

Diplomas of Candidates of Sciences very often require translation into English. Moreover, their text can be considered a template, its translation causes a number of difficulties. Moreover, both trans...

Integrity in the translation of medical certificates

Translation of medical certificates, test results, as well as any other medical translation is a popular and very complex direction. The features of such work require full compliance with the original...

Medical translation from English to Russian

Medical translation from English to Russian and vice versa is one of the most common directions. The field of medicine is vast: it includes many documents. In addition, it is not just references and a...

The importance of the correct translation of the medical report

It is hardly necessary to remind you of the responsibility associated with the translation of medical texts. The fact is that everyone understands that not only health, but also life of a person depen...

Difficulties of medical translations into German

The development of international contacts leads to an increase in requests for qualified medical care provided by German doctors. There is also growing cooperation between business structures, whose s...

The prevalence of English in medical translations

In the modern world, the international exchange of experience in the field of healthcare and medicine, as well as active cooperation, is of great importance. Therefore, a special place among the vario...
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