
Why it is better to translate articles in the Translation Agency

Among those who have nothing to do with the work of a translator, there is an opinion that the Translation Agency only serves as an intermediary between the customer and the translator. From the outsi...

What types of translations are there and what are their features

Few people know that translation studies is an independent scientific discipline that considers the peculiarities of translating texts of various styles as a separate subject.  We will not delve ...

What is professional translation?

First, you should understand what professional translation means. It is ordered if you need to convey the meaning of a document as accurately as possible. Many people try to save money by giving such ...

Translation and its types

Word "translation" sounds simple and clear. Most people think that this is an ordinary transfer of the text from one language into another by writing or printing. In fact, in a professional sense, a c...

What is literary translation and what are its features

Translation of literature is fundamentally different from other categories, and the features of literary translation of works are numerous. This means that in addition to providing information to the ...

Medical translation in the context of a COVID-19 pandemic

Preparation of documents in foreign insurance companies, travel abroad for emergency treatment, purchase of foreign medical products, communication with foreign medical professionals, and instructions...

What is the difference between British and American English?

It seems that a maxim stating an obvious fact "in America they speak English" already at the end of the 20th century began to sound doubtful even for non-specialists. With the fall of the Iron Curtain...

What language is easier to translate into — native or foreign?

This question is often asked by amateurs and people, who are far from the linguistic sphere. After all, professional translator will not think about from which language into which one it is easier to ...

Translation of humorous content

Translation of humorous content is primarily about finding a balance. Even when there is no balance and you have to sacrifice something. A joke is a subjective concept and does not coexist out of cont...

Translation Trends for 2020

Wisconsin Localization Institute continued the tradition of organizing a round table, the main purpose of which is to discuss the most important areas of translation and language activities in 2020....
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